Friday, August 12, 2011

Tenzin in Japan part 3 - Niigata

After Saitama the Snow Lion gang moved on to Nagaoka City, Niigata, where we had a concert in Gallery Mu-An for the opening of an exhibition by our friend Kie who has some wonderful paintings of Dharamsala and Varanasi.  The following day we attended the Phoenix Fireworks Festival, said to be Japan's biggest fireworks festival, started 6 years ago after Niigata suffered a massive earthquake. You can find the official (Japanese) blog report including this time in Niigata here.

Mon 1 August: Gallery Mu-An, Nagaoka City, Niigata.
Yuki Taniguchi opened the concert with some Sanskrit mantras.

 This painting by Kie was based on a photo of Yuki-chan.

 Tenzin in front of Kie's award-winning painting of Tenzin's home town in India, Dharamsala.

Gathering at the Phoenix Fireworks Festival - we were joined by Masaaki Aoyama and Eri Yamaguchi who performed with us in the next few concerts.

While waiting for the fireworks we had a big 90 minute practice session.... until "please stop playing music now" was announced over the loudspeakers.

Many more photos on my Facebook album.

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