Here are 20 easy ways to help Tibet2Timbuk2 get our name out there:
- Buy a track or the album from iTunes, Amazon, eMusic or Napster.
- Write a nice review at iTunes, Amazon or eMusic.
- Give the album 5 stars at eMusic
- "Tell a friend" about us at iTunes, eMusic or the EthnoSuperLounge Store.
- Share a track or the album at Napster.
There are loads of helpful things to do at our Facebook band page:
- Become a fan
- Add to your page's favourites
- Share the page with your friends
- Click on "iLike this Artist" (and add iLike to your profile if you don't have it already)
- Scroll down to the My Band application, and
- Become a Fan via My Band
- Play some songs to boost our playcount
- Share songs with your friends
- Write on our Wall or Discussion Board, post photos, videos and notes if you can
Here's a list of social networking sites we've got pages on. Please be friends with us! At the time of writing, I've done a bit on ReverbNation and iLike (which are related to Facebook apps) and MySpace, and almost nothing on the others, but I hope to get to them all eventually...
- Myspace - Add to friends, Add a song to your playlist
- ReverbNation - Become a fan, Join the street team, Share songs with friends
- iLike - Click "iLike this band", Play some songs, Click "iLike this song", Add to friends
- Bebo
- purevolume
- Virb
- Put links to all around the place - on your website, in your email sig, on social networking sites and forums
- Add our ReverbNation widget to your Myspace, LiveJournal, anywhere you like - easiest found at on the right hand side - click on "SHARE"
- Write a nice message at our website's Guest Book
Comments and suggestions most welcome!!! :-)
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