On Saturday I attended and performed at the SaReGaMa School of Indian Music concert, held in the West End Club. SaReGaMa is Indian vocalist Rahim Zullah's music school, and I was very happy to see the quality of his students. I especially want to mention 12 year old Vivek Narotam, who was very impressive with his classical performing style, very much inside the music and obviously enjoying it too. I'm really looking forward to seeing him develop in the future.
I do have to complain about the length of the concert though. Four hours was very taxing for the audience. I think it would have been better to restrict each performer to only one song, regardless of how good a singer they are.
Well done to Rahim though, and also to his wife Fawzia for preparing an excellent dinner for so many people.
12 year old Vivek Narotam (vocal) accompanied by Ravikesh Singh (tabla) and Rahim Zullah (harmonium)
Rahim Zullah (vocal) accompanied by Shen Flindell (tabla) and Sudha Manian (sitar)